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Titri Creek Conservation Area

Part of the Waihola Waipori Wetlands, which are the most significant waterfowl habitat in Otago. The lakes are shallow and drain through an extensive swamp into the Waipori River then the Taieri River. The swampland includes vegetated islands, lagoons, shallow pools, meandering channels and backswamps.

The area is nationally and internationally recognised as a precious refuge for many threatened and endangered species of plant, fish and bird.

Take a 10 min walk from the car park on Titri Rd, over Titri Creek into the Titri wetlands to see hundreds of wading birds including marsh crakes/koitareke, fernbirds/mātā, scaups/pāpango,and grey teals/tētē. The track is surrounded by native vegetation, including the threatened wetland nettle. An observation platform offers a good view of one of the largest sections of open water in the wetlands.

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