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Chris London

Board member

I live on the outskirts of Milton with my family. I have been the local

Pharmacist for 20 years and the Owner/Operator of the Milton Pharmacy for 10 years. I am a

member of the Pharmacy Guild and employ 4 staff. I have a high awareness of Health and

Safety standards both as an employer, operating a main street business site and as a volunteer

on the MCHT Board.

My interests are Gardening, reading and DIY.

My previous volunteer experience has been on the local St Johns Ambulance committee. My

involvement in this committee, along with my pharmacy and employer experiences has given

me further insight in to Governance, financial oversight and meeting processes.

I am interested and invested in the health and well-being of our community members and I am

committed as an MCHT Board member in ensuring that our governance oversight aids in

maintaining a high standard of community health care. I have been an elected community

representative on the MCHT Board since 2010, act as the Minutes Secretary and as a

designated authority for providing the second person checks within the banking system.

Chris London
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