Justin Geddes
Board Member
I live in Dunedin with my wife and family and conduct business on a very regular basis in the
Bruce/Milton district. I am a Chartered Accountant with over 20 years’ experience and a
Principal in Dunedin firm CEG Ltd. Although my specialty area of expertise is as an
Agribusiness Advisor, I also have a broad range of clients across all sectors.
I enjoy the rural aspects of life, boating, rugby, sports in general and DIY.
I was a member of the Telford Rural Polytechnic Council, have volunteered for many sporting
groups, provided accounting advice to various organisations and currently sit on the St
Margaret’s Residential College board in Dunedin.
As both an employer and a business advisor I have a broad knowledge around Health and
Safety, Governance and financial planning which has aided both myself and the MCHT Board
in fulfilling our roles. I acted as the United Friendly Society representative on the MCHT
board and as the Treasurer for many years. In 2013, when the United Friendly Society was
wound up, I was elected to the MCHT Board as a Community Representative and remain as
the Treasurer.
Although I live outside the District, I believe in the efficacy of locally provided community
services and in the commitment of our MCHT team in their goal to provide excellent health
care while assisting clients to stay safely at home.