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Ruth O'Neill

Ear cleaning services

Since January 2023 Ruth O’Neill of Wax Out (a travelling health professional) has been offering ear

wax removal micro-suction clinics at the Tokomairiro Community Hub here in Milton. I am an

experienced registered nurse, with extensive general practitioner work, who has been specially

trained in micro-suction. Micro-suction involves using a specially designed head torch with

magnification called an OScope. This is used to carefully examine the ear canal, then using a fine, low

pressure suction device the ear wax and debris is removed.  If you experience hearing loss,

feedback/whistling from wearing hearing aids, feeing of fullness, itching, pain, tinnitus, discharge or

odour you may have a wax build up. I offer this service at a competitive rate ($50/adult, $30 follow-

up, $40 Child/Student up to 18 years, $20 follow-up) and I come to your community every three

months, saving you driving to Balclutha or Dunedin for treatment.


Ruth O'Neill
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